Turkish Data Protection Law No:6698
We, as Analitik Kimya ve Lab. Cih. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti. (“Analitik Kimya”), are showing maximum care and sensitivity to the security of your personal data.
We are also attaching great importance to make sure that all kinds of personal data of all and any people related to Analitik Kimya, including, but not limited to, the people making use of the products and services of Analitik Kimya, are duly processed and kept in strict compliance with the Turkish Data Protection Law no. 6698 (the “Law”). Being fully conscious of our liability, and in accordance with the Law, we, acting as a “Data Responsible”, are processing your personal data and information within the following scope and in accordance with the following terms and conditions.
Personal data is defined in the Law as all kinds of information and data regarding an identified or identifiable natural person. Accordingly, your name, surname, electronic mail address and phone number shared by you with us are named and termed as Personal Data for the purposes hereof.
Analitik Kimya is collecting and processing your personal data solely in order to perform and fulfill its legal obligations relating to your product and service relations with Analitik Kimya and to keep you informed about the campaigns and advantages pertaining thereto.
Your Personal Data may be shared by us with Analitik Kimya shareholders, or our direct / indirect local / foreign subsidiaries, or entities and institutions acting as our business partners in the course of cooperation with us for performance of our activities and operations and/or representing us throughout the continuity of our business relations, or local / foreign persons and entities from whom we are purchasing services for storage of data in cloud computing. Furthermore, your Personal Data may also be shared by us with competent courts and other governmental bodies and public entities solely as a requirement of performance of our legal duties and obligations.
Your Personal Data shared with our Company is being kept and stored in Analitik Kimya’s local / foreign secure servers in strict compliance with the pertinent laws and regulations, the provisions of the Law, and Analitik Kimya standards relating thereto.
In accordance with the Law, when the purpose leading to the necessity of processing of your Personal Data is no more valid and in vigor as per Article 7/f.1 of the Law and/or upon lapse of the prescription time up to the end of which we are obliged to keep and process your Personal Data as per the applicable laws, your Personal Data will be deleted or destroyed by us or be anonymized and continued to be used.
Pursuant to the laws and regulations pertaining to your Personal Data processed by us, you have the rights to learn whether your Personal Data is processed or not, and if your Personal Data is processed, to request information relating thereto, and to learn the purpose of processing of your Personal Data and whether your Personal Data is used in accordance with the intended purposes thereof or not, and to learn the identity of third parties seated at home or abroad and to whom your Personal Data is transferred, and if your Personal Data is processed incompletely or wrongly, to request completion or correction of them, as the case may be, and to request deletion or destruction of your Personal Data, and if your Personal Data is processed incompletely or wrongly, to request that third parties to whom your Personal Data is transferred are kept informed about correction and/or deletion or destruction of your Personal Data, and to raise objections against any consequences against you that may arise as a result of analysis of the processed data solely and exclusively through automatic systems, and if you suffer damages as a result of illegal processing of your Personal Data, to request and claim indemnification of your damages.
You also have the right to request us to transmit to you all information kept about you. By sending your demand to the communication form available and kept at the address of https://www.analitikkimya.com.tr/about-us/contact-us and by calling 00902126599870, you may have your personal data and information deleted, corrected or reviewed.